Information about RACHANA SHARIR of the Shri Balahanuman Ayurved Mahavidyalaya

Department of Rachana Sharir stands as one of the important pillar of basic principles of Ayurved. It deals with the study of Structure of the Human Body and topics like embryology, histology, Anthropometry, Genetics, marma sharir etc as per Ayurved and Modern science.

Sharir means 'Human Body' and Rachana means 'Structure', therefore Rachana-Sharir deals with the knowledge of Structure of Human Body.

The detailed and authenticated description of Rachana-Sharir is explained in Sushrurt Samhita(Sharir-Sthana). However this subject is also explained in other reference books (Samhitas) of Ayurved.

Rachana-Sharir is studied into various branches like Garbha Sharir(Embryology), Srotas Sharir(Systemic Anatomy), Sira-Dhamani Sharir(Angiology), Marma Sharir.

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